How Tax Works

Various State and Local Income Tax Issues

Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP Season 1 Episode 9

In this episode of How Tax Works, host Matt Foreman discusses a variety of state and local income tax issues that commonly come up during sales/purchases, raising capital, and the general operation of a business that crosses state lines, such as sourcing, PTETs, and the quirks of local income taxes.

Please also see Matt Foreman’s upcoming webinars! Links are below:

How Tax Works, hosted by FRB Partner Matthew E. Foreman, Esq., LL.M. at Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP, delves into the intricacies of taxation, breaking down complex concepts for a clearer understanding of how tax laws impact your financial decisions.

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This Podcast is Hosted by:
Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP
1185 Avenue of the Americas, Third Floor
New York, NY 10036
(212) 203 -3255